Pest News   |   April 26, 2021

Best Practices in Mosquito Control

With the arrival of spring, families are taking their fun outside, only to be confronted by hungry hordes of biting mosquitoes. PMP customers expect your service to relieve them of these nuisance pests and take back their outdoor spaces. That’s a tough job for sure, but one that can be achieved successfully using the right tools, techniques, and a proper service protocol.


The Pest Practices team at Bayer recommends a four- step mosquito control protocol for best results.


  1. Inspect Carefully:

    Inspect your customer’s property carefully prior to treatment. Identify any natural or man-made conditions that allow water to collect and lay stagnant, providing an environment conducive to mosquito breeding. Notify the customer of such conditions and provide recommendations to reduce mosquito development.

  2. Apply Larvicide:

    Apply an approved larvicide, where appropriate, to mosquito-bearing stagnant water and/or to areas subject to periodic flooding that will allow immature mosquitoes to develop. Always read and follow directions on the larvicide label, using labeled rates and application intervals.

  3. Apply a barrier treatment Insecticide:

    Select a product that provides fast relief, long-lasting protection and easy to use. Bayer Suspend® PolyZone® fits that bill. Its proprietary polymer formulation provides up to 90 days of residual control, and it’s easy to mix, has no phototoxicity, and does not require PPE unless spraying directly overhead. Additionally, with Suspend PolyZone, there are no wind speed or interval restrictions like bifenthrin products.

  4. Report:

    Report to your customer any other observed environmental conditions that may provide mosquito harborages or developing sites that should be addressed, whether in their yard or in the surrounding area.


In addition to following this tried-and-true protocol, there are a few additional ways to improve your mosquito control service and customer satisfaction:

Set customer expectations up front.

Control with any residual mosquito control product is not achieved immediately, and the customer needs to understand that. Not all surfaces in a yard can be treated, and populations from untreated neighboring yards will naturally migrate into theirs. But adult mosquitoes that land on treated surfaces will be controlled. Inform the customer that it can take 1 to 2 days to notice a difference after an initial service.

Apply products correctly.

If using a backpack mist blower, apply the PolyZone spray by moving the blower nozzle in a circular motion. This creates a ‘vortex’ current that will help lift spray droplets up and onto the undersides of foliage where mosquitoes often rest. Set the blower flow volume to medium-low (the number ‘2’ setting on STIHL blowers’ star valve).

Ensure effective coverage.

Take your time and be thorough. Pay particular attention to shady spots where mosquitoes typically rest, including under decks or eaves, tall tree canopies, and elevated structures. Bayer’s Dr. Kurt Vandock recommends, “hunt the shade.” Always read and follow all label directions. Apply sufficient volume for the areas that you treat, and follow local licensing/certification regulations.

For more need-to-know information on mosquito control, Suspend PolyZone, the Bayer product lineup or product support, visit Bayer Pest Management and Public Health.


Authored by: Dr. Kurt Vandock

Head of Public Health
Bayer Environmental Science