Turf & Ornamental

Turf & Ornamental Markets

Arbor Care

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Turf Fuel

Pioneering excellence in plant nutrition, plant defense system activation, and specialty chemistries within the Turf & Ornamental inudstry. While our proprietary products stand at the forefront of efficacy today, we're committed to pushing boundaries, we know even #moreispossible.

Strike Max

An exclusive proprietary technology to elevate performance of your pest management product applications.

  • Crack & crevice, void, or spot applications
  • No mixing to get the benefits of 4 unique modes of action

Eliminating ants, cockroaches, and stored product pests (SPP) in food-handling establishments? Look no further than Doxem NXT!

Termidor® HE High-Efficiency Termiticide
  • Cuts treatment time by 50%
  • Shallower depths, less drilling and smaller trenches

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