Tartan Stressgard (2.5gal) AGENCY
2/Case #81760942
Tartan Stressgard - preventative and curative fungicide, for controlling microdochium patch, rust, take all patch and other turf disease, and enhances stress tolerance in turfgrass. Features trifloxystrobin,triadimefon, Stressgard, and up to 21-day residual.
*Agency product - exempt from all promotions or discounts*
Tartan Stressgard is a fungicide that does more than fight disease. It also helps manage turf health, turf stress, and time. It has contact and systemic properties and is preventive and curative.
- 21 day residual which is longer than many fungicides
- Cost effective enough for fairways, but also excellent on greens and tees
Controlled Diseases: Anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, fusarium patch, gray leaf spot, leaf spot, pink patch, pink snow mold, red thread, rust, Southern blight, stripe smut, summer patch, and other listed diseases
Active Ingredients: Trifloxystrobin 4.17%, triadimefon 20.86%
2.5 gallon jug
Vendor Item #81760942
Product Specifications
Format Code | Multi Group |
Active Ingredient | iprodione + trifluoxystrobin |
Type | Fungicide |
Unit of Measure | JUG |
TSP Category | Chem |
Manufacturer | BAYER - AGENCY |