Speedzone Southern EW (2.5gal) MCP

2/case #8741126 Broadleaf Herbicide CHECK CA PRICE

SpeedZone Southern EW (2.5 gal) works to provide dependable control of broadleaf weeds, with visible activity occurring in hours. SpeedZone Southern EW features:

  • the active ingredient 2 4 d ethylhexyl ester (9.02%), dichlorprop p, 2 ethylhexyl ester (5.19%), dicamba acid (0.59%), carfentrazone ethyl (0.47%) 
  • weed death occurs within 7 to 14 days
  • lower odor profile and lower Volatile Organic Contents (VOC), compared with SpeedZone Southern
  • can be used on established warm and cool-season turfgrasses (as listed)
  • excellent post emergent activity

SpeedZone Southern EW should be used for ground applications.

Target Weeds: dandelion, dollarweed, clover, plantain, ground ivy, spurge, florida pusley, creeping beggarweed, other broadleaf weeds as listed.

For use on: residential sites, golf courses (excluding greens), commercial areas, athletic fields, sod farms, roadsides, cemetery   areas.

Product Specifications

Format Code Post-Emergent
Active Ingredient Carfentrazone+24D+MCPA+Dicamba
Type Herbicide
Unit of Measure JUG
TSP Category Chem
Manufacturer PBI GORDON CORP