Specticle G (50lb) AGENCY

#84056146/40 bags minimum

*Agency product - exempt from all promotions or discounts*

Specticle G Herbicide (50 lb) works as a versatile, pre-emergent herbicide, to control for annual grasses, annual sedges, and annual broadleaf weeds. Specticle G Herbicide features up to six months of broad-spectrum control against more than 90 broadleaf and grassy weeds, protection against more than 90 grassy and broadleaf weeds, and a convenient, non-staining, low-odor granular formulation. Specticle G Herbicide reduces the number of treatments needed to achieve optimal results, and requires up to 40 times less active ingredient than current standards.

Controlled Weeds: annual grasses, annual sedges, and annual broadleaf weeds.

Use on: warm season turfgrass, landscape ornamentals, and hardscapes.

Product Specifications

Format Code Pre-Emergent
Active Ingredient indaziflam
Type Herbicide
Unit of Measure BAG
TSP Category Chem
Manufacturer BAYER - AGENCY

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