Sevin SL _2.5gal_ c/o USE I514299

2/case #79672284 Carbaryl
Sevin SL - contact insecticide that gets rid of pysllids, leaf miners, adelgids and other ornamental insects, around plants, grasses and crops. Featuring carbaryl.

Sevin SL carbaryl insecticide has been trusted for decades by golf course superintendents, arborists, lawn care operators, nursery professional, and parks and recreation directors. Sevin SL provides effective broad spectrum control of more than 130 ornamental and turf pests. Sevin SL is a trusted insect pest management tool for more than 60 years.

- One of the broadest ranges of pest control insecticides ever developed in the industry, and maintained today when many older chemistries have been dropped
- No resistance problems for any of the ornamental, turf, and tree pests
- Quick knockdown and substantial residual, permitting a wide window of application for most pests.  This means the product can be used at first glance of a pest, preventing it from materializing as a problem
- Formulated to bloom in the spray tank and provide uniform, superior spray deliver and spread on all kinds of leaf surfaces

Controlled Pests:  Annual blue grass weevil, ants, armyworms, bagworms, box elder bugs, birch, boxwood and oak leafminer, chinch bugs, cutworms, European crane fly larbae, gypsy moth larvae, leafhoppers, adult Japanese beetles, lace bugs, pine beetles, spittlebugs, sod webworms, tent caterpillars, white grubs and other listed pests

Use:  Agricultural and commercial, residential turf spot treatments

Active Ingredient:  Carbaryl 43%

Product Specifications

Unit of Measure JUG

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