Segway Fungicide SC (39.2oz) MCP

12/case #6401216 CHECK CA PRICE

Segway Fungicide SC is highly effective in protecting professionally managed turf areas. It provides exceptional protection against Pythium disease over a period of 7 to 28 days, depending on the level of disease pressure. Cyazofamid stops spores from germinating, inhibiting all stages of Pythium fungal growth and development.

Controlled Diseases:  Pythium crown, root rots, damping off, Phytophthora crown, foliar blights, downy mildews and other listed diseases

Use:  Golf courses, sod farms, seed farms, cemeteries, residential lawns by professional applicators, and professionally managed sports fields

Active Ingredient:  Cyazofamid 34.5%

39.2 oz/bottle
12 bottles/case

Vendor Item #6401216

Product Specifications

Format Code Cyanoimidazole
Active Ingredient cyazofamid
Type Fungicide
Unit of Measure BTL
TSP Category Chem
Manufacturer PBI GORDON CORP