Prograss Herbicide (2.5gal)

2/case #86215578 NO UPS
Prograss Herbicide - pre and post emergent herbicide, that gets rid of annual bluegrass, white clover, pigweed, and other weeds, in lawns, fairways, sod farms and more. Features ethofumesate.

Prograss provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua in cool-season turf grasses and over seeded bermudagrass.  This means Poa can be controlled through its cool-season germinated and growth periods.  A customized Prograss program can help control Poa in every season.

- Controls a wide variety of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds
- Can be applied to tall fescue, bentgrass, St. Augustinegrass, perennial ryegrass, and Kentucky bluegrass
- Recommended for bermudagrass control in St. Augustinegrass
- Effective in humid and arid climates

Controlled Weeds:  Barnyardgrass, Burclover, Canary Grass, Common Chickweed, Common Purslane, Green Foxtail, Large Crabgrass, Poa annua, pre-emergent/annual grasses, Redroot Pigweed, Smooth Crabgrass, White Clover, Yellow Foxtail

Use on:  Golf course fairways, cemeteries, sod farms, residential and commercial lawns

Active Ingredients: Ethofumestate 19%

Product Specifications

Format Code Post-Emergent
Active Ingredient Ethofumesate
Type Herbicide
Unit of Measure JUG
TSP Category Chem
Manufacturer BAYER - NON AGENCY

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