Niban-FG Fine Granule (4lb) Bag

6/case 32 case /pllt min order

Niban FG Fine Granular Bait (4 lb) is a superior granular bait, that controls for pests, while having minimal impact on non insects and the environment. Niban FG Fine Granular works to control through non-toxicity, using a borate formula that disrupts an insects digestive process. Niban FG is formulated with a borate compound that kills insects only, and does not degrade in heat, sunlight, or rain.  Pests will share Niban FG with the colony, leading to eliminating the colony as well.

Controlled Pest: ants, cockroaches, silverfish, carpenter ants, crickets, earwigs.

Use on: indoor areas, outdoor areas.

Product Specifications

Format Code Granular
Pest Insect
Active Ingredient Orthoboric Acid
Type Bait
Unit of Measure PAIL
TSP Category Insecticide
Manufacturer NISUS CORP

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