Kalida® Fungicide

FMC #11013671 4/cs
Kalida® fungicide is a powerful premix combining the active ingredients fluindapyr (a novel SDHI) and flutriafol (next - generation DMI) into a powerful duo that provides a complete protection option against some of the most troublesome turf diseases. When your turf is under the highest pressure, Kalida is the go - to choice. With proven turf safety and dual modes of action, Kalida fungicide can tackle bipolaris leaf spot, take-all root rot, large patch and other labeled diseases in a variety of warm-season turfgrasses and anthracnose, fairy ring, dollar spot, brown patch and other labeled diseases in cool-season turfgrasses. With rapid uptake, long residual, and broad spectrum, Kalida fungicide can handle multiple diseases as a standalone and also fits perfectly in a seasonal rotation program.

Product Specifications

Unit of Measure BTL
Target Site(s) • Bipolaris Leaf Spot • Take-All Root Rot • Large Patch • Fairy Ring • Dollar Spot • Brown Patch • Anthracnose