Fame SC (16oz) AGENCY

FMC #11008393 4/cs
Fame® SC fungicide is powered by fluoxastrobin the most advanced Strobilurin (FRAC 11) on the market. This fungicide is unique amongst the strobiliuron family for its 15-minute rainfastness, dollar spot suppression, and plant health benefits. Fame ® SC fungicide delivers excellent results on brown patch, fairy ring, summer patch and pythium root dysfunction. The addition of a flourine atom on its chemical structure means quicker uptake and even distribution within the plant. Add all of these together and you get a product that delivers superior disease control and healthier turf.

Product Specifications

Format Code Strobilurin
Active Ingredient Fluoxastrobin
Type Fungicide
Unit of Measure BTL
TSP Category Chem
Manufacturer FMC CORP - AGENCY
Target Site(s) • Brown Patch • Fairy Ring • Pythium Root Dysfunction • Summer Patch • Dollar Spot