Essentria All Purpose _gal_ c/o disc

4/case #100208934 Insecticide Conc. 30Cases\Pllt
Essentria All Purpose - natural insecticide that gets rid of bed bugs, ants, cockroaches and other insects, while being environmentally friendly. Featuring rosemary oil and peppermint oil.

Essentria All Purpose Insecticide Concentrate is a broad spectrum Octopmine blocker.  Indoor use includes fogging, misting, greenhouses, cracks and crevices, general pest control.  Outdoor use includes spraying, misting, mound drench, golf courses, perimeter treatments, nursery, turf and ornamental, vegetables, recreational areas, bearing and non-bearing fruit, boat docks, marinas, trees, shrubs, pasture and rangeland.

- Includes a broad spectrum Octopamine blocker
- Does not affect vertebrate animals
- Ideal for sensitive accounts
- Organic compliant and safe for use near schools, kitchens, food processing
- No water setbacks
- Low odor formula
- No label restriction or reporting needed Polyglyceryl

Indoor Use: Fogging, misting, cracks and crevices, greenhouses, general pest control
Outdoor Use: Misting, spraying, mound drench, golf courses, perimeter treatments, turf and ornamental, nursery, vegetables, recreational areas, fruit trees (bearing and non-bearing), boat docks, marinas, trees, shrubs, pasture and rangeland.

Product Specifications

Unit of Measure GAL

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