Zythor Cylinder (125lb)

#ZYTGAS Fumigant
Zythor Fumigant - sulfuryl fluoride gas fumigant that controls drywood termites, bed bugs, German cockroaches and other insects, in buildings, warehouses, and other structures.

Zythor (125 lb) specializes as a gas fumigant and whole-home fumigant. Zythor features SO2F2 (sulfuryl fluoride) which has high penetrating power as a fumigant, and is non-staining, non-corrosive and non-flammable. Zythor also features:

  • contains the active ingredient Sulfuryl Fluoride (99.3%)
  • as opposed to a termite spot treatment, works as a whole house termite treatment      
  • ensures complete elimination of drywood termite infestations, as a whole-house termite treatment
  • restricted use pesticide

Zythor comes as a 125 lb cylinder each.

Controlled Pest: rodents, bed bugs, termites. roaches, other listed pests.

Use on: dwellings, buildings, warehouses, mobile homes, automobiles, buses, recreational vehicles, surface ships, shipping containers, rail cars, other listed areas.

Product Specifications

Pest Termite
Active Ingredient Sulfuryl Fluoride
Unit of Measure CYL
TSP Category Fume
Manufacturer ENSYSTEX II INC

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