Oust XP (3lb)

Envu #85854615 8/cs VM
Oust XP Herbicide  - for getting rid of dog fennel, pokeweed, fireweed, ragweed and other weeds in forestry and noncrop sites. Featuring sulfometuron methyl.

Oust XP herbicide is a dispersible granule that is mixed in water and applied as a spray or impregnated on dry, bulk fertilizer, It controls many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in forestry and noncrop sites.

Oust XP may be used for general weed control on terrestrial noncrop sites and for selective weed control i certain types of unimproved turf grasses on these same sites.  OUst XP may also be used for selective weed control in forest site preparation and in the release of certain conifers and hardwoods.

Oust XP can be tank mixed with other herbicides registered for use in forestry and noncrop sites; when tank mixing, use the most restrictive limitations from the labeling of both product.

Controlled Weeds: Chickweed, crabgrass, dogfennel, fescue, fireweed, goldenrod, horeseweed, Kentucky bluegrass, nutsedge, panicums, pokeweed, ragweed, shepherd's purse, white snakeroot, yellow sweetclover and other listed weeds

Use: Agricultural, site specific, forestry

Active Ingredient: Sulfuometuron methyl 75%

Product Specifications

Format Code Post-Emergent
Active Ingredient Sulfometuron Methyl+Mesulfuron Methyl
Type Herbicide
Unit of Measure JUG
TSP Category Chem
Manufacturer BAYER - NON AGENCY

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