Maxforce Roach Kill Gel _30gm_ c/o Disc.

5/case #79671172 4 Reservoirs/Box

Maxforce Professional Insect Control Roach Killer Bait Gel is ideal for use as a crack and crevice or spot treatment for indoor and outdoor control of cockroaches in residential and commercial areas. The exclusive Domino Effect works through ingestion and contact in hard-to-reach and inaccessible areas.

More convenient for customers and less intrusive
-  Contains unique food matrix
-  Effective residual of up to 1 year or until the bait is completely consumed
-  Better secondary kill with the exclusive Domino Effect roaches transfer active ingredient to other roaches
-  Ideal for sensitive environments

Controlled Pests: German cockroaches, American cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches, Smoky brown cockroaches

Use:  Indoors and outdoors

Active Ingredient:  Hydramethylnon 2.15%

30 grams/tube
4 tubes/box
5 boxes/case

Vendor Item #79671172

Product Specifications

Unit of Measure BOX