Pest Blog   |   May 10, 2022

May 2022: National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

cockroach allergy symptoms

May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. Why is this an important awareness month for pest control providers? Because it provides an opportunity for you to talk to your employees and customers about one of the most notorious pests for triggering asthma attacks and allergic reactions in people – cockroaches.

It is no surprise that cockroaches are one of the most difficult pests to eradicate. Their existence pre-dates some dinosaurs who roamed the earth over 200 million years ago. But what may come as a surprise, is how quickly the presence of cockroaches can compromise a healthy environment. And they aren’t going away any time soon.

“23% to 60% of urban residents with asthma are sensitive to cockroach allergens.” - Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (aafa)

How cockroaches trigger asthma and allergies cockroach allergens

You are the pest control expert. This means not only understanding the biology of pests, but also how the presence of them can negatively impact peoples health and well being.


Cockroaches contain a protein that is concentrated in their fecal matter, saliva, and in fragments of their body parts. When these proteins become airborne, they can trigger allergic reactions and asthma symptoms.


Although there are multiple triggers for asthma in children, cockroaches are one of the leading causes, especially in urban areas where populations are dense.


These statistics from the American Lung Association confirm that children are at high risk:

  • Asthma is the third leading cause of hospitalization among children 15 or younger.
  • Asthma is the most common chronic condition among children, currently affecting an estimated 6.1 million children under 18 years.
  • Asthma is one of the leading causes of school absenteeism.

What are signs of allergic reactions to cockroaches?cockroach allergy symptoms

Allergic reactions to cockroaches can be the same symptoms as those of seasonal allergies or pet allergies, which can lead home and business owners to overlook the possibility that it may be cockroach allergens in the air.


If you suspect cockroach activity, ask your customer if they’re experiencing any of the following cockroach allergy symptoms:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Itchy mouth or throat
  • Itchy skin or skin rash

Allergic reaction leading to asthma

  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightness or pain in chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing

Understanding cockroaches

These disease-carrying pests reside inside and outside of structures, and thrive when they have access to food, water, and areas with little to no light. Cockroaches often come from areas of filth, eating decaying matter such as rotting food, feces, and garbage – a behavior that increases the chance for cross contamination when they infest homes or businesses.


Cockroaches can enter a building in a number of ways. They can make their way in through the smallest of cracks, gaps, and voids; or, they may hitch a ride in on a delivery or someone’s personal belongings. But once they find their way in, they’ll quickly find a safe place to hide and reproduce – making early detection especially important.


A female German cockroach can produce over 30,000 baby cockroaches in one year.

Cockroach prevention tips

Form a partnership with your customers by educating them on some of the ways they can help prevent cockroach activity.


Cockroaches prefer environments that are warm, humid, dark, and near a food-source. By eliminating these factors, they can help to reduce the likelihood of a cockroach infestation.

  • Clean spills or crumbs, immediately
  • Keep food in sealed plastic containers or jars
  • Ensure lids on trash cans are tightly closed
  • Make sure pet food is in a sealed container
  • Reduce clutter (magazines, newspapers, boxes)
  • Install dehumidifiers to reduce humidity
  • Fix any leaky pipes or faucets to reduce moisture
  • Clean under appliances to reduce any crumbs or spills

Where to look for cockroaches

Although cockroaches can hide just about anywhere. They prefer to be close to sources offering food and water. In areas with extreme infestations, you may see cockroaches in the daylight and find them seeking harborage as near to the source as possible.

  • Kitchens: This area offers water, food, and ample dark spaces to hide. Check under the sink for leaking water and condensation. Also, under stoves and refrigerators where food and spills accumulate. The kitchen is often where infestations begin.
  • Bathrooms: Look under sinks, around pipes, and brackets under the sink.
  • Utility closets: Moisture or heat can draw cockroaches to this area.
  • Drawers, cabinets, or any areas where food is stored.

Common cockroach species

There are four main types of cockroaches in structural pest control. Although the German cockroach is the most common species you will encounter, you may also see American, Oriental, or brown-banded cockroaches depending on your geographic location.

  1. The German cockroach is the smallest of the four, allowing them to squeeze into small cracks and crevices. Female German cockroaches can lay up to 50 eggs at a time at a reproductive rate of once a month.
  2. The American Cockroach lives in warm, humid climates and is the largest of the four common cockroach species that are represented here. Outside, they can be found in mulch, sewers, and steam tunnels.
  3. The Oriental Cockroach is often referred to as a waterbug. Although this species requires temperatures above freezing, it doesn’t require excessive warmth, and can be found in cool, damp underground areas like basements.
  4. The brown-banded cockroach is small in size like the German cockroach and prefers hiding in upholstered furniture and beds.

Professional solutions that work

When a customer calls in requesting cockroach extermination, they are often calling in when an infestation has already taken hold and time is of the utmost importance. The sooner a cockroach infestation is eliminated, the quicker you can help reduce any possibilities of associated health risks such as asthma and allergies.


Target Specialty Products provides over 80 years of industry experience and insight for controlling pest populations. If you need help selecting the most effective products to use for eliminating and preventing cockroaches, please contact us here. We also have 44 active locations across the country with representatives ready to provide their support.

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