Enough is Enough! How the Stop-Feed Action of Cholecalciferol in Selontra® Rodent Bait means faster Control using less Bait

Rodent control has become an increasingly complex issue with restrictions on certain active ingredients, increasing rodent populations, and demanding consumer expectations. Fortunately, Selontra Rodent Bait, with the stop-feed action of cholecalciferol, provides control of rodent populations in less time with less bait consumed, leading to cost savings for you and satisfied customers.

How it works: Cholecalciferol stimulates the transfer of calcium and phosphorus from bone to blood plasma. Once these minerals are in the blood, they are deposited to soft tissues and cause calcification of the kidneys, heart, stomach, and other organs. Specific organ effects that cause feeding cessation (stop-feed) include gastrointestinal stasis, increased gastric acid secretion, and decreased neural tissue responsiveness. Calcification occurs when the rodent has consumed a toxic dose of cholecalciferol and, due to the changes in the gastrointestinal tract, stops feeding. This leaves more bait for other less dominant rodents to feed on, reducing the amount of time for population control.

How much time and how much bait: You might wonder how much time can be saved by controlling infestations due to the stop-feed action of cholecalciferol. Population control is achieved in approximately half the time with less than half the bait consumed. In a laboratory study with Norway rats, Selontra Rodent Bait achieved 100% mortality in 3 days, while Contrac® All Weather BLOX and FirstStrike® Soft Bait took 9 and 8 days, respectively1. Importantly, less than half the Selontra bait was consumed, leaving more bait for more rats to consume. Similar laboratory results were achieved with house mice2. In field trials, a mouse infestation in a swine facility saw 100% control at 7 days, while a field trial in New Orleans controlled a population of roof rats in 14 days. With Selontra Rodent Bait, PMPs use less bait to achieve faster colony control than the leading competitors in the market.

Palatable to rodents: The formulation of Selontra Rodent Bait has proven palatability that can compete with natural food sources. In laboratory studies, rodents preferred Selontra Rodent Bait over the laboratory feed they had been reared on and were used to eating. In head-to- head palatability studies against six anticoagulant and other cholecalciferol baits, Norway rats consumed up to 10 times the amount of Selontra Rodent Bait3. Recently, in a choice feeding study of Norway rats, Selontra Rodent Bait was preferred over laboratory diet by a ratio of 3.14. By comparison, the palatability ratio of CADET™ All-Weather BLOX to laboratory diet was 1.364.

The wrapper: One of the innovations that makes Selontra Rodent Bait successful is the patented polyolefin film wrapper, which has lasered holes to allow aromas to escape and be detected by rodents. It also prevents oil absorption by the packaging. The polyolefin film wrapper protects the soft block formulation from the elements and from snails, slugs, ants, crickets, and other insects. The block has a hole in the center for easy placement on bait station rods. Studies have shown that the bait can withstand 171 °F for one hour and still remain intact on the rod and most importantly, the bait remains palatable and effective.

What to know about the risk of secondary toxicity: The effects of certain rodenticides on non-target animals through secondary poisoning have been under scrutiny by regulators and will only continue to grow. Fortunately, the risk of secondary poisoning with Selontra Rodent Bait is very low due to cholecalciferol. In several studies dogs, cats, ferrets and various birds of prey were fed rodents that had died from cholecalciferol. No clinical signs, adverse effects, or abnormal behaviors were observed during the feeding period and up to 6 months post feeding. The lack of secondary toxicity is likely due to cholecalciferol being metabolized in the liver up to 13 times faster compared to anticoagulant rodenticides. The European Chemicals Agency has stated that cholecalciferol is not expected to bioaccumulate or persist in the environment.

It should be noted that all rodenticides, including those containing cholecalciferol, may result in serious illness or even death if directly ingested (Primary Toxicity). Following label instructions and common-sense practices are the best preventative measures to avoid non-target exposure. Some of the best practices to avoid non-target animal contact with Selontra Rodent Bait include using a functional, tamper-resistant bait stations, placing bait stations to maximize rodent interaction and minimize non-target animal interaction; storing bait properly, always accounting for the pail at work sites, and making sure bait stations are secure. Finally, make sure all PMPs are trained in all proper procedures when using Selontra Rodent Bait!

If accidental ingestion of Selontra Rodent Bait is suspected in a dog or other non-target animal, there are a number of therapies that can mitigate and prevent cholecalciferol toxicosis. However, speed is crucial in getting a positive outcome. If ingestion is suspected, call or take your dog to an animal hospital or contact the BASF Hotline at 1-800-832-4357 (24/7) and select option 3 for first-aid advice. Tests to determine the levels of calcium and phosphate in urine and cholecalciferol in blood may assist a veterinarian in determining if the pet has ingested cholecalciferol.

Always read and follow label instructions and use Selontra Rodent Bait knowing you can achieve fast and efficient control of rodents.

1. BASF Report LR24-002 C.S. Hughes 2024 Comparison of Amount of Bait and Alternative Food Eaten During Choice Feeding (Palatability) Studies On Selontra® Rodent Bait (BAS 410 06 I), Contrac® Blox and First Strike™, using Rattus norvegicus

2. BASF Report LR24-003 C.S. Hughes 2024 Comparison of Amount of Bait and Alternative Food Eaten During Choice Feeding (Palatability) Studies On Selontra® Rodent Bait (BAS 410 06 I), Contrac® Blox and First Strike™, using Mus musculus

3. BASF Source: Sharon Hughes. 2018, Selontra rodent bait against competitor rodenticide baits using male Rattus norvegicus

4. BASF Report POR24-001-1.1: 2024. A, Wade. Product Overview Report between Selontra® & CAD3ET
