3336 EG (5lb) MCP
Nufarm #10556045 4/cs CHECK CA PRICE
Nufarm 3336 EG Fungicide (5 lb) controls for turf disease, including brown patch, dollar spot, and pink snow mold. 3336 EG Fungicide is a low-dust extruded granule with quick-dissolve properties, and provides for easy measuring, mixing, and spray program customization based on individual coverage and disease control needs. 3336 EG Fungicide is tank mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides.
Controlled Diseases: Anthracnose, Ascochyta leaf blight, Bentgrass dead spot, Brown patch/large patch, Cool-season brown patch, other listed diseases.
Use on: Golf courses, Annual and perennial flowers, Athletic fields, Lawns, Parks, other listed areas.
Product Specifications
Format Code | Benzimidazoles |
Active Ingredient | thiophanate methyl |
Type | Fungicide |
Unit of Measure | JUG |
TSP Category | Chem |
Manufacturer | NUFARM FINANCE BV |